

This category contains 6 posts

A Thought From Old NFO

Kitty Hawk – Pearl Harbor – The Moon Landing

1903 – 1941 – 1969


I wonder what the next 66 years will bring? (2035)

Thanks, Jim.

In Remembrance

I wasn’t born for another eleven years when this happened, but as a student of history and an American it gets to me.  Much as the JFK assassination, The Marine Barracks, Khobar Towers, The U.S.S Cole and The Twin Towers attacks did during my life.

Meeting that Navy veteran who had served on the Arizona on Veteran’s Day this year did as well.

Please take a moment of silence today.


Radical Religious Escalation

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

–Winston S. Churchill

There was a time when a President, the military and the population of The United States (by and large) stood tall and fought for the rights and lives of others.  World War Two would be a good example.  Japan had taken much of the Far East, and Germany much of Europe, and parts of Africa.

And was systematically exterminating Jews, gypsys, cripples, intellectuals and homosexuals.

Now I’m not all about being the World’s policeman.  I would much rather be isolationist and let the rest of the World solve her own problems.  The problem with that ideal currently is radical Islamic fundamentalists have brought the battle to us.  It’s not just about 9-11, it’s about England, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Spain, and anywhere persons are being religiously persecuted to the extent they are being raped, burned alive and beheaded.

The Nazis didn’t start with thousands of death camps, train schedules, IBM tabulating machines, and giant crematoria. They started small and worked up. It wasn’t until Kristallnacht in November of 1938 that they got organized enough to kill 91 Jews at one time.

ISIS has kidnapped 90 Assyrian Christians this week. They beheaded 21 Christians last week. They’re a new government, recently formed. They’re starting small and already talking about working up.

We can wait. Unless some miracle happens, we will wait. But we shouldn’t expect the outcome to be anything other than the obvious. It’s the same evil manifesting itself under a new name.

It will be the Jews, the Christians, the homosexuals, the intellectuals, Muslims from different sects and any one who doesn’t go along. They will die, deaths by every mutilating, degrading means, wiped out along with the ideas, thoughts and dreams they had. They will be erased. And when it gets rolling, we will not be able to say we didn’t see it coming because they are proud of it and they are posting for the world to see. (WARNING! Graphic images).  (Borepatch)

And our President claims it’s fundamentalist American Christians who are more dangerous than ISIS !

Now, I’m not a fan of those whack-jobs who protest at military funerals.  Or their fellow travelers.  And they claim to be fundamental Christians.  They even announced a protest at Leonard Nimoy’s funeral!

But, I’ve not seen any of then burn someone alive or behead them on International television.

It’ll only get worse before it gets better.

And offering them employment isn’t the answer, Mr. President!

Remember Goldfinger?

Goldfinger aka Gert Frobe

Goldfinger (Gert Frobe)

OathKeepers copied an article in Zero Hedge which caught my interest…

After all, I’m interested in MONEY (even though I have none and am in serious debt), and in my mind GOLD equals money.  I’ve no gold, either.

JPMorgan Is Selling The Building That Houses Its Gold Vault

On the surface, there is nothing spectacular about the weekend news that JPMorgan is seeking to sell its 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza office building. After all, the former headquarters of Chase Manhattan Bank, located deep in the heart of the financial district and which was built by its then chairman David Rockefeller, is a remnant to another time – a time when banking was about providing loans, not about managing and trading assets which has become the realm of Midtown New York, and since JPM already has extensive Midtown exposure with its offices at 270, 270 and 245 Park, the 1 CMP building always stood out as a bit of a sore thumb. Of course, as Zero Hedge readers first learned, the big surprise is literally below the surfacesome 90 feet below street level to be exact, where the formerly secret JPM gold vault is located, which also happens to be the biggest commercial gold vault in the world.

It was only a month ago when we learned that JPM was planning to exit the physical commodity business, ….

Further down the page…

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, as a result of our cursory examination, we have learned that the world’s largest private, and commercial, gold vault, that belonging once upon a time to Chase Manhattan, and now to JPMorgan Chase, is located, right across the street, and at the same level underground, resting just on top of the Manhattan bedrock, as the vault belonging to the New York Federal Reserve, which according to folklore is the official location of the biggest collection of sovereign, public gold in the world.

At this point we would hate to be self-referential, and point out what one of our own commentators noted on the topic of the Fed’s vault a year ago, namely that:

Chase Plaza (now the Property of JPM) is linked to the facility via tunnel… I have seen it.  The elevators on the Chase side are incredible. They could lift a tank.

… but we won’t, and instead we will let readers make up their own mind why the the thousands of tons of sovereign gold in the possession of the New York Fed, have to be literally inches across, if not directly connected, to the largest private gold vault in the world.

You should go and read the whole article.  

Now, I know little about the economy, but I do know that we are no longer on the gold standard, and that the government keeps printing fiat capital to pay it’s debts (Federal Reserve), and that the PRC is making serious moves to get the rest of the World off the American Dollar standard, and we owe them and Japan boo-koo monies and the Federal Reserve is a privately-held bank which has never been audited, and people Worldwide have been buying gold and silver at an alarming rate, and hoarding it for if when the Dollar collapses.  whew!

After you read the article, go and read the Ian Fleming classic Goldfinger.

Then figure out who is planning on becoming the richest man in the World.  Hint:  It’s not Soros or the Koch brothers.

Cui bono?  (Who Benefits?)

5 Lessons from The Magnificent Seven

magnificentKenn Blanchard (aka Black Man with A Gun) spells out for us the 5 Lessons all of us should glean (or should have gleaned) from the classic movie Western The Magnificent Seven.

(I suppose for poetic sake it should have been seven lessons…?)

Now, I’m not going to enumerate them all for you here, as you should be reading and/or listening to Kenn (on his podcast) anyway, but, I will give you a snippet:

~In this classic Western from 1960′s there are some messages and things I want to see if you caught when you saw it.  It’s the story of an oppressed Mexican peasant village that recruits seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.  The concept originated from a Japanese film the Seven Samurai  (Shichinin no Samurai) and its been used ever since.  I think, the A-Team and The Expendables today have borrowed from it.

Unknowingly, many pro-gun rights guys have fallen into the trap of allowing themselves to be promoted to the low ranks of a murderer. You have let the macho take over and have confused the facts. You carry a gun or choose to because you can, and have decided to for various reasons but you are not a killer. Gun ownership has moved into the realms of being a smoker. Less desirable. I am trying to bring you back.~

Please visit the link above, and read the whole piece.

Rev. Kenn Blanchard, aka the Black Man With A Gun™ is an internationally known figure in the gun rights community since 1991. He is a former US Marine, federal police officer, intelligence officer and trainer. He produces the Urban Shooter Podcast, voice overs, motivates, inspires and writes for the Blanchard Media Group.,

How may we help Japan?

First, pray for them.  Second, don’t buy into all the media hype regarding the end of the World, as we know it.  All networks seem to be attached to the teat of ‘when in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!’.  The crises aren’t over yet, and there’s much more to be done.  The outcome is not yet known, or set.  Third, if you can afford it, go to: .  It’s a humor site that makes fun of Japanese dialect, by Steve, who obviously loves the Japanese people (he lived in Japan for 10 years!) .  He’s selling this shirt for $16.95.
 All of the profits from this t-shirt will go to Red Cross Japan.  The shirt reads:  Don’t Give Up, Japan! We’re in this Together!  (and, as mentioned below, Guffaw in AZ has no interest in this, save helping.)

h/t  Roberta X

"Round up the usual suspects."

In Loving Memory…