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Mark of The Beast?

The ‘Powers-That-Be’ in this nation have a problem.  About half of them want to control what happens in your bedroom (and with whom) and the other half wants to control by what means you may defend yourself, your household and your Country.  And there are many other issues dividing these folks.  But they have one thing on which they are in complete agreement.


The people behind the throne, the movers and shakers (see The Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg Group/Illuminati/Vatican/George Soros/Ernst Stavro Blofeld ad infinitum, ad nauseum…) have decided one additional way to control you is by implementing a Biometric Social Security Card, issued to those folks “authorized to work in the United States.”

Push for Biometric ID – Oathkeepers

In this way, they get the ‘tighten up the borders’ folks, while getting more control over the entire populus.

The elite behind this idea in the United States Senate include such luminaries as Senator Charles Schumer (DICTATOR-NY) and Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ).

Playbook Breakfast John McCain and Chuck Schumer
(at about 37 minutes in, they bring up the Biometric Social Security Card)

Of course, no mention is made of implanting chips with GPS, or using magnetic ink tattoos.  Not yet, anyway.


Probably too gauche for fashion…

About guffaw1952

I'm a child of the 50's. libertarian, now medically-retired. I've been a certified firearms trainer, a private investigator, and worked for a major credit card company for almost 22 years. I am a proud NRA Life Member. I am a limited-government, free-market capitalist, who believes in the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law.


One thought on “Mark of The Beast?

  1. Yeah I am SO not for that.

    Posted by ProudHillbilly | February 4, 2013, 8:10 am

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