

This tag is associated with 92 posts

The Civil War Is Here!?

Kevin Baker of The Smallest Minority posted thus:

Daniel Greenfield, Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, aka “Sultan Knish” has a piece up on Frontpage Mag entitled The Civil War is Here.  QotD:

We can have a system of government based around the Constitution with democratically elected representatives. Or we can have one based on the ideological principles of the left in which all laws and processes, including elections and the Constitution, are fig leaves for enforcing social justice.

But we cannot have both.

Some civil wars happen when a political conflict can’t be resolved at the political level. The really bad ones happen when an irresolvable political conflict combines with an irresolvable cultural conflict.

That is what we have now.

The left has made it clear that it will not accept the lawful authority of our system of government. It will not accept the outcome of elections. It will not accept these things because they are at odds with its ideology and because they represent the will of large portions of the country whom they despise.

The question is what comes next.

Yes it is.



What comes next, indeed?

We have already seen areas in major U.S. cities where one may not travel safely.  Including racial and religious intolerance.  Now, political intolerance has been added.  People being attacked because they openly support The President or just appear to have!

There is now a massive divide in this Republic, and it appears no amount of positive propaganda, Norman Rockwell posters or calls to regain civility will solve the problem.  The Fabian Socialists have reunited with the Communists (non-Fabian socialists), and are systematically attempting to disrupt social order to the point government has lost perceived control.

Just as Norman Thomas, Saul Alinsky and George Soros wanted.

And, as the public education system has been so diluted, edited or poisoned to the extent American generations no longer understand (or support) The Constitution and Bill of Rights, this will go either of two ways:

BIGGOV will attempt to regain control by being more fascistic (see The Patriot Act), or the Leftists will continue to promote more violence and social disorder until the government falls.

Or both.

In any case, I don’t see a pleasant, non-violent outcome for The Republic.

The Great Experiment is coming to an end.

Whether we want it to, or not…


Freedom-Of-Speech On One College Campus…

Or not…

“I was told that I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t express my concerns, and I couldn’t ask any questions because I’m White.”

McKenzie Kyger is a white Evergreen State College student who made news when she appeared at a public legislative hearing about the problems at Evergreen related to Prof. Bret Weinstein.

Kyger told the legislators about her experience with pervasive anti-white racism being taught as part of the integral model of social justice learning currently foregrounded in American universities.

We covered her testimony in the post Evergreen Student: ‘I’ve been told I’m not allowed to speak because I’m white’.


Kyger sat down for an interview with Benjamin Boyce (Patreon page here) and shared her thoughts on “social justice” and the distressing state of Evergreen. (h/t Badger Pundit)

Kyger is the type of student whom colleges embraced only a few years ago.  She’s open-minded, has absorbed and speaks fluently the language of the regressive handbook on “diversity” and “social justice,” she’s not a conservative, and she’s definitely not a racist.  That she is now experiencing what so many white college students across the country are should sound alarms on the left, particularly among white progressives.

Kyger talked about her experience at the college and how it affected her.  For example, she discusses her experiences with the faculty and students who “overgeneralize” and state that “all white people” are the root of all problems, she explains how “social justice” has become a battering ram and weapon that is hurting higher education and students, and she describes her experience being shut out of a student event on campus explicitly because she is white.  After walking down a hallway lined with other white students denied admittance, she agreed to the terms (that she not speak and stand in the back).

h/t, Legal Insurrection

I remember being on a college campus in the 70s.  There were folding tables set up on the mall.  Some for the Vietnam War; some against.  Some about saving the planet.

Some about Greek Week!

ALL speech was welcomed!

And sometimes, there were confrontations…

What happened?

Don’t Do Anything Rash! (The Adventure Continues…)


I go to see my primary doctor yesterday afternoon.  She confirms ‘yes’, I DO have a rash of undetermined origin, now permeating most of my body.  My edema in my right calf is of significant size, and has NOT diminished when horizontal.

She prescribes a synthetic corticosteroid to deal with the rash.  She is MORE concerned about the edema.

She sends me to a diagnostic center for an ultrasound of the leg.  (I must drive myself, as J. is still recovering from her shoulder surgery and cannot drive.)

It’s either this, or she admits me to the hospital.  She’s concerned I might have a blood clot(!)

So, it’s back from central Phoenix to Chandler (nearer to where I live) for the imaging.  It’s approaching 1700, but they are waiting for me. (My doc has pull!)

I wore sandals I don’t usually wear, so she could get a better look at my legs and feet (wrestling with socks and ‘Ed’ the really big shoe can be difficult when swollen.  The sandals are uncomfortable and make driving difficult.

And I cannot afford to Uber.

J. is with me for moral support and to listen to my cursing.

Finally, we find the place and I get the ultrasound.  NO CLOTS!  😛  They contact my doc, who prescribes a broad spectrum antibiotic and schedules me to return Friday @ 1300 for follow-up.  She does this all herself and makes certain she speaks with me about diet to accompany the antibiotic.  Initially, I missed her call (loud surroundings) and she called back and left a message.  Then she kept calling until she could speak with me personally.

I have a great physician!

The Good News is I picked up the meds.  The Bad News is neither is recommended for evening use.  So, another night of calamine lotion looms.

I think I received three hours of sleep.  J. has another physical therapy appointment this afternoon.  AND I TOOK MY FIRST PREDNISONE THIS MORNING!  😛

C’mon work!

Time will tell.  It’s been about two hours, and I feel slightly less itchy.  (Perhaps that’s just wishful thinking?)

I will keep everyone advised.  (No Clots – Hooray!)  😛

They’re NOT Sore Losers?

(from Free North Carolina, in part)

Trump isn’t up against “sore losers.” He’s facing an army of saboteurs bent on destroying the elected government.

Via Billy

As I predicted in my best-selling book about President Trump’s plan to save America, the Democrats and their media accomplices have declared all-out war on the Trump White House. Under the guise of “resistance” – as though the Trump was the head of an occupying army rather than an elected president – they have set out to destroy his administration. They are not “sore losers,” as many had surmised when their hysterical attacks on Trump as an American Hitler began, they are an army of saboteurs bent on destroying the government the voters preferred. Their general, Barack Obama, is an unrepentant radical who abused the office of the presidency when he was in power, and as ex-president is now leading a war to overthrow his successor.

More @ Front Page
Is this hyperbole, or fact?
What do you guys think?
AND – what do we, as citizens of a Constitutional Republic, DO about it?
(I’m convinced their vanguard is roughly 3% of the Democratic Party.  Old hippies who believed in the Weathermen, race-baiters, other radicals searching for a cause (rebels w/o a clue!), unemployed – because employed folks have to work!)
PS – I am not a Trump supporter.  I think the last election was Hobson’s Choice – an unrepentant criminal Marxist versus a Huey Long copycat with lots of money, playing to the Silent Majority.  Trump has some good ideas, but seems less educated regarding how the Constitution works!

Thanks For Your Many Good Thoughts!

…and prayers!

They seem to have worked.

(for those who cannot see previous posts)

Judy got through the surgery fine – I’ve seen photos!  (see below)

The only problem was with scheduling (bureaucratizilla!).  They required us to be there @ 0800.  When she signed in, they said her surgery was scheduled for 1400!!!

At length, they said it MIGHT be earlier.

The took her back for prep @ 1130, said they would bring me back to sit with her in about a half an hour.  At 1245, I asked, and they escorted me back(!?)

She went into surgery a bit after 1300, and the doc came out to educate me just before 1500.  A large bone spur was removed, and the tear in her rotator cuff completely closed.  And some rough edges polished(!)

AGAIN, thank you everyone for your support and kindness!

PS:  Photos for your perusal! (IF I got them correct)

after repair

torn rotator cuff

We Should Learn From WHO? France?!

(from Free North Carolina)

France’s Death Spiral

Via Frank

  • In 1990, the “Gayssot law” was passed, stipulating that “any discrimination based on ethnicity, nation, race or religion is prohibited”. Since then, it has been used to criminalize any criticism of Arab and African delinquency, any question on immigration from the Muslim world, any negative analysis of Islam. Many writers have been fined and most “politically incorrect” books on those topics have disappeared from bookshops.
  • The French government asked the media to obey the “Gayssot law.” It also asked that history textbooks be rewritten to include chapters on the crimes committed by the West against Muslims, and on the “essential contribution” of Islam to humanity. All history textbooks are “Islamically correct.”
  • In hospitals, Muslims are increasingly asking to be treated only by Muslim doctors, and refusing to let their wives be treated by male doctors.

February 2, 2017: A “no-go zone” in the eastern suburbs of Paris. Police on patrol hear screams. They decide to check. While there, a young man insults them. They decide to arrest him. He hits them. A fight starts. He accuses a policeman of having raped him with a police baton. A police investigation quickly establishes that the young man was not raped. But it is too late; a toxic process has begun.

Political correctness is killing Europe, literally!
AND, it will kill the United States.

BEE Prepared!

beeI’ve oft written here (or copied stolen other’s writings) regarding the substitute of ‘science’-with-an-agenda attached, versus pure science.

And, it seems to have happened, yet again!

First, DDT was BAD.  It must be banned.

Then, the World was getting colder.  The NEW Ice Age was upon us.

Followed by The Ozone Layer was being eaten away by hydrocarbons.

More recently, the World is getting WARMER.  No WAIT!  Weather is changing!

Now, we are losing BEE populations at an alarming rate!  It’s the evil pesticides and GMOs, again!  Ban stuff!

Of course, most of us are not scientists, and trust those who are to evaluate evidence without concern for the outcome, to give us a possible solution.

And governments world-wide jump on the band wagon to take control of the ‘problem’, even if it doesn’t exist!

Turns out DDT does remain present, but doesn’t seem to be harmful in the long run.  Too bad, it’s banned!

The New Ice Age didn’t happen.

The hole in the ozone closed.  Another crisis avoided apparently in a natural cycle.  Of course, many chemicals were banned, regardless.

Climate Change?  Yep, it happens.  But unless scientists skew their results to fit a socialist agenda, humanity appears to not be responsible.

Regarding THE BEES:

The New Bee Crisis Is Just Like The Old One: Phony (Forbes)

I do find it interesting that every environmental ‘crisis’ comes now with an attached (socialist/world-wide) solution.

It’s for the children, ya know!

And We Want MORE (Undocumented) Refugees Here?

(from Brock Townsend)

France on the Verge of Total Collapse

Via Mike

On August 3, French riot police dragged a priest and his congregation from the church of St Rita in Paris, prior to its scheduled demolition. Front National leader Marine Le Pen said in fury: “And what if they built parking lots in the place of Salafist mosques, and not of our churches?”

France is in turmoil. “Migrants” arriving from Africa and the Middle East sow disorder and insecurity in many cities. The huge slum commonly known as the “jungle of Calais” has just been dismantled, but other slums are being created each day. In eastern Paris, streets have been covered with corrugated sheets, oilcloth and disjointed boards. Violence is commonplace. France’s 572 “no-go zones,” officially defined as “sensitive urban areas”, continue to grow, and police officers who approach them often suffer the consequences. Recently, a police car drove into an ambush and was torched while the police were prevented from getting out. If attacked, police officers are told by their superiors to flee rather than retaliate. Many police officers, angry at having to behave like cowards, have organized demonstrations. No terrorist attacks have taken place since the slaughter of a priest in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray on July 26, 2016, but intelligence services see that jihadists have returned from the Middle East and are ready to act, and that riots may break out anywhere, any time, on any pretext.

I’ve no problem with more immigrants moving to the United States.  Legal, vetted, immigrants.  Muslims, even!  Who wish freedom and American assimilation.
But, if you cannot be vetted, or are terrorists, smugglers, murderers or rapists, stay away!
Or face the consequences of your actions.

Is Federalism EVIL?

I suppose that all depends on how it’s imposed…

(from Brock Townsend)

Why Yankees Won’t (And Can’t) Leave the South Alone


This essay was first published in Southern Partisan in the Winter, 1985.

Southerners rarely while away their leisure hours by contemplating Yankees, for there is no point in thinking of unpleasant things if one is not obliged to do so. Yet the practice does have value; to some extent, at least, we are defined by those attributes which set us apart from others, and sometimes we can be made aware of such attributes only by observing people who do not share them. Another virtue of thinking about Yankees, in the long run perhaps a more important one, is that it serves to remind us that they have repeatedly tried to make us over in their own image. Indeed, though it may seem that they have been off our backs since the demise of the civil rights movement, their latest campaign to reform us is actually well under way.

What is there about us that has made us so offensive to them? Or, conversely, what is there about them that has compelled them to meddle in our affairs? The late great Richard M. Weaver, in The Southern Tradition at Bay, addressed himself to analyzing the qualities that distinguish the South from North, and for the nineteenth century he was perfectly on target. “The North had Tom Paine and his postulates assuming the virtuous inclinations of man,” Weaver wrote; “the South had Burke and his doctrine of human fallibility and of the organic nature of society.” The North embraced rationalism and egalitarianism; the South had a “deep suspicion of all theory, perhaps of intellect,” and clung to a hierarchical and deferential social order. The North bowed down before science and material progress; the South “persisted in regarding science as a false messiah,” and remained into “our own time” (the 1940s) “the last non-materialist civilization in the Western World.”

Growing up in public schools in the Southwest, we were taught it was The Civil War (in lieu of The War Between the States, or that recent unpleasantness).  And that Lincoln was a hero by preserving the Union.
Simplistic, I know.
Now the Republic seems more divided than ever, and there have been rumblings (on the Internet) of secessionist movements in Idaho, Texas, Montana, California and Alaska.
Even if President-elect Trump had quoted Gerald Ford and said ‘our long national nightmare is over’, that wouldn’t necessarily make it so.
And it does appear as though Southerners DO think differently than Yankees. (A Southerner now not being necessarily geographically defined.)
And the Federal government by it’s very nature seems to want more power and control.
Between land take-overs, false imprisonments, warrantless searches, courts of Star Chamber, and not taking a firm hand to persons who break the law, and illegal alien and drug smuggling, there is potential for this not to end well.
Just look at the diverse mindsets of progressives, conservatives and libertarians on Facebook!
We are as divergent as the South and the North 151 years ag0 – coupled with Internet technology and communication.  And statist millionaires fueling the fire with billions!
I fear for the Republic.

Social Media Is NOT Your Friend!

fedbook-spying-social-mediaPrivacy mavens have been going on for some time regarding the complete lack of privacy on the Internet.  Coupled with private industry and public intelligence, license plate readers and facial recognition software, the NSA listening to our cellular telephone calls and reading our email, and cameras everywhere, from about 2002, lets face it…

We’re hosed. 

Now, another factor has entered the arena.

(from Peter)

“Militarizing” social media?

According to Motherboard, it’s a real threat.

A global conference of senior military and intelligence officials taking place in London this week reveals how governments increasingly view social media as “a new front in warfare” and a tool for the Armed Forces.

The overriding theme of the event is the need to exploit social media as a source of intelligence on civilian populations and enemies; as well as a propaganda medium to influence public opinion.

. . .

The event, the Sixth Annual Conference on Social Media Within the Defence and Military Sector, is sponsored by the Thales Group, the tenth largest defense company in the world, which is partially owned by the French government.

Participants in the conference—chaired by Steven Mehringer, Head of Communication Services at NATO—will include military and intelligence leaders from around the world, especially “social media experts from across the armed forces and defense industry.”

. . .

“Social Media is increasingly important to the portrayal of armed forces, at home and abroad on operations; raising awareness of institutional issues; and gaining support through successful recruitment campaigns,” said conference Chairman, NATO’s Steven Mehringer, in an invitation brochure for the event.

The military’s goal of using social media to influence the beliefs of populations to win wars is alluded to in the description of other panels. A proposed panel titled ‘NATO’s Digital Outreach: Creating a Global Conversation’, describes NATO’s aim of “cultivating a global audience through social media to support The Alliance.”

Another panel discussion makes direct reference to the role of social media in covert US military ‘psychological warfare’ operations—i.e. propaganda—as well as the use of social media to support mass surveillance.

There’s more at the link.

At first I assumed that the conference was about nothing more or less than the usual propaganda exercises employed by all sides in any conflict.  However, reading between the lines, it appears that they’re talking about more active – and more covert – interventions, such as ‘sock-puppeting‘ comments on or reactions to articles, blog posts, etc. that they don’t like.  In other words, they wouldn’t act openly, or say that this is the view of a particular party;  so one wouldn’t be able to exercise informed judgment on what they have to say.

I know some of the more totalitarian governments have been doing this for decades.  (The so-calledGreat Firewall of Chinais a good example, and it’s now morphing into acitizen scorefor every person, upon which will depend their ability to get good jobs, get loans, or even eat well.)  If Western nations are now starting to venture into the same territory, we’ll have to be on our guard.

To coin a phrase: Big Brother is not your friend.

"Round up the usual suspects."

In Loving Memory…