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Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar

We’ve been watching Netflix NARCOS, a docu-drama about the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, for a time, the most wanted drug lord in the World.

He did take some of his ill-gotten gains and improved many communities with electric lighting for soccer fields, and support for national (versus foreign) made industries.

Cocaine aside.

This gave him a Robin Hood image, and allowed him access as a national legislator (for a short time).

By promising to give the people what they want.

Now, WE have this guy…


Not a criminal, murdering, drug smuggler, but still wanting to take money from corporations and individuals, and redistribute it.

By governmental force.

Because he believes government can and should.

To give (some of) the people what they want.

The current occupant of the White House is a middle-aged Black socialist, who wants to level the playing field (his words).

Now this pretender to the throne wants to do the same thing – and he’s an old, White guy!

And both keep referring to this nation as a democracy!

NOT voting for socialists is not a race issue.  It’s a Republic issue.

One doesn’t need to be a drug smuggler to see that.

About guffaw1952

I'm a child of the 50's. libertarian, now medically-retired. I've been a certified firearms trainer, a private investigator, and worked for a major credit card company for almost 22 years. I am a proud NRA Life Member. I am a limited-government, free-market capitalist, who believes in the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law.


2 thoughts on “NARCOS

  1. Good point… And I’m sure as hell not voting for him!!!

    Posted by Old NFO | January 24, 2016, 10:24 pm

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